Thursday, August 27, 2009

As I Promised

(The Dude took this picture, just had to show his skills off a little:)

Like I promised, I am writing in spite of being back in the swing of things at school. I started teaching this week, and so far it's been a mixed bag. The 1st grade class was VERY wiggly. The room was hot, hot, HOT. And to top that off, during the lesson, one of the kids took off his shoe and said semi-frantically, "There's a spider in my shoe!!!" Anyone who has ever worked with kids that age knows, I lost. That was the end of any sort of semblance of order that hadn't been destroyed by the heat in the room already. 1st graders=1pt. Art Teacher=0pts. I should have just declared a spontaneous recess. But, no! I decided to keep going.... Stupid, stupid, stupid....

It ended up O.K. and not a total loss, because I felt like I needed to try my hand at story telling. I told. They drew. I reached into my bag of tricks given to me by my genetics, and started a new saga in the Mr. Bear story. Thank you, Dad! It was a little shaky, but if I keep working on my storytelling skills, and work out some story lines ahead of time, maybe it will go over. Maybe. I think next week, Mr. Bear and his friends (I had to make up some new ones, Dad, I couldn't remember yours and I figured I'd leave the witch out until Halloween,and even then I'll have to be careful, because we live in a sad, sad world that doesn't take things lightly) ANYway Mr. Bear and his friends are going to meet an artist wandering the forest. Maybe Kandinsky, maybe Klee, maybe Sol Lewitt. Nah, they wouldn't get him. Sol is a might bit over their heads right now. They might try and give each other instructions to create artwork on the wall with. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore Sol Lewitt's artwork. I just don't think 1st graders would fully appreciate Mr. Bear meeting good ol' Sol in the forest. To bad Mr. Bear isn't carnivorous, then he could meet J.K. You know who I mean, Marge. I just don't want my blog in anyway attached to his name. Yuck.

Maybe I should draw some pictures too.... Wow. Yeah, that would be a good thing. Am I going to be able to do it? Oh, I hope so, because that would be so cool. That is if it turns out as cool as it is in my head. Hmm... Maybe I should get to work.

See you all in the forest! (Maybe, I'll hide Sol in the trees)

1 comment:

Marge Bjork said...

I can't tell you how many times I was subjected to watch mini-documentaries about certain people's giant shiny hearts etc etc. Thank heavens for carnivores