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(The Dude took this picture, just had to show his skills off a little:)Like I promised, I am writing in spite of being back in the swing of things at school. I started teaching this week, and so far it's been a mixed bag. The 1st grade class was VERY wiggly. The room was hot, hot, HOT. And to top that off, during the lesson, one of the kids took off his shoe and said semi-frantically, "There's a spider in my shoe!!!" Anyone who has ever worked with kids that age knows, I lost. That was the end of any sort of semblance of order that hadn't been destroyed by the heat in the room already. 1st graders=1pt. Art Teacher=0pts. I should have just declared a spontaneous recess. But, no! I decided to keep going.... Stupid, stupid, stupid....
It ended up O.K. and not a total loss, because I felt like I needed to try my hand at story telling. I told. They drew. I reached into my bag of tricks given to me by my genetics, and started a new saga in the Mr. Bear story. Thank you, Dad! It was a little shaky, but if I keep working on my storytelling skills, and work out some story lines ahead of time, maybe it will go over. Maybe. I think next week, Mr. Bear and his friends (I had to make up some new ones, Dad, I couldn't remember yours and I figured I'd leave the witch out until Halloween,and even then I'll have to be careful, because we live in a sad, sad world that doesn't take things lightly) ANYway Mr. Bear and his friends are going to meet an artist wandering the forest. Maybe Kandinsky, maybe Klee, maybe Sol Lewitt. Nah, they wouldn't get him. Sol is a might bit over their heads right now. They might try and give each other instructions to create artwork on the wall with. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore Sol Lewitt's artwork. I just don't think 1st graders would fully appreciate Mr. Bear meeting good ol' Sol in the forest. To bad Mr. Bear isn't carnivorous, then he could meet J.K. You know who I mean, Marge. I just don't want my blog in anyway attached to his name. Yuck.
Maybe I should draw some pictures too.... Wow. Yeah, that would be a good thing. Am I going to be able to do it? Oh, I hope so, because that would be so cool. That is if it turns out as cool as it is in my head. Hmm... Maybe I should get to work.
See you all in the forest! (Maybe, I'll hide Sol in the trees)
Consider yourself evicted, Dear Monkey. I am done with you. It has taken a long a gruling process to get us to this point, but the time has finally come for you to leave now. Please don't ever come back.
One who is finally done with her project.
I have reached the point in my long list of homework to complete that I might actually be able to finish.
Then you won't have to read boring emails about me not wanting to do homework.
I'm not sure what I'll write about, though.
We'll all just have to wait and see won't we.
All week long (last week, as this week is only a day or two old depending on your view point) I found myself fuzzy headed. I even blogged about it. I couldn't concentrate on homework, and I felt like I wasted a lot of time doing nothing. What I really wanted to do was clean my house, but I knew that homework needed to get done. I kept putting off cleaning, and I kept being to fuzzy headed for homework. I found the solution on Saturday when I'd had enough of the house and went on a cleaning frenzie. Besides my bad attitude about doing homework in what is supposed to be my summer vacation (Dear Self, get over it. You aren't 10 any more. There's no real summer vacation. At least not until after the Masters, and even then I'm sure something else will pop up--please not the PhD yet!!!!!!!!!) my fuzzy head was caused by the absolute chaos in my home that I had been putting off taking care of until I could get my homework done! Oh, the irony!!!! (I am feeling very exclamatory tonight!!!!!!!!! So there.)
Isn't it amazing that All I wanted to do this past week was the one thing I've been avoiding for most of my life, but pit it next to homework and I'm a cleaning machine.
I asked my cousin the other day how he got his son excited about doing homework. His reply was that he just sits at his own desk and looks like he's having fun doing his. And of course son wants to do the fun stuff dad is doing. I asked him if he'd come to my house and look like he was having fun doing his homework, so I would do mine. He, he....
Here are the 5 minute vacations I found this weekend:
1. Playing my new piano (thank you, Kristen, from the bottom of my heart!)
2. Listening to the Dude playing the piano.
3. Yoga
4. Looking at beautiful artwork.
By the way the cookies were amazing!
I am not a morning person (yes, I hear your laughter). Most of you already knew that, but I had to say it to bring what I am about to say into context. I am getting to a point though, where I want to be. It helps in my profession to be a morning person. Really, really helps.... The morning is also one of the only times where I can do things and not get side tracked by someone else, whether it's the Dude or a friend, suggesting something much more alluring that whatever it was I was attempting to do at the time. Setting time aside to create art is important in my life. And I have even been known to get up before 4:30 to get the perfect shot of the sunrise or balloons ascending (these I snapped on vacation). Art I have found is the key to getting myself up early. Wave an art project in my face and I will get up earlier than anyone who knows me would ever dream that I could. Art and road trips. I am a sucker for a good road trip. And for me good is made up by the people in the car with me. I even go on a road trip every year for my birthday. And I usually try and include an art project in the festivities.... Hmm... What will I do this year? I've decided to celebrate my birthday for a whole month this year. ANYWAY!
Back to getting up early for art. So I can get up at the most disgusting hours of the morning to GO somewhere for an art project. The problem is rolling out of be to shuffle the room next door that is my studio and attempting to create before my eyes have lost their sleepy reflexes. That's what I struggle with. Especially on those dark winter mornings when my body insists that I am not an evolved, semi-mature, well educated human being, but instead a nice fuzzy, comfortable, sleepy bear that needs to hibernate for the rest of the dark cold winter. It's the sun that turns me into a human being. And that silly sun takes oh, so long to appear in the winter.... mmmm.... sleepy bear....
So! They say (don't ask me who "They" are... they just are and that's all that matters) that it takes 30 days to establish a good habit. It's August now. Who thinks I can convince my body that I'm a morning person before Labor day? Anyone? Well at least the crickets are on my side....
I think that will be my goal for the rest of this year.