Thursday, February 5, 2009

Welcome back sun!

What do you know, the sun did come up! I woke up the next morning with a swollen left cheek feeling like the dude and unaccountably socked me just below the eye some time during the night. Thanks to my friend Melissa, I already had a doctor's appointment for the day. I mumbled in sick. (I can't really say it was a call in.) I tried to find a comfortable possition to sleep in while waiting for the dude to come get me for my appointment. (I'm one of those people who is a really bad driver while I'm sick, so thank the dude for keeping me off the road the next time you see him.) And after half heartedly laughing when the nurse asked me how I was doing (What are you supposed to say to that anyway?!?! Yes, I came to the doctor, because I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much) and sitting for miserable minutes on that dumb table (don't they know that nobody has legs long enough to reach that dumb pull out thing?!) I heard the verdict my cheek had been throbbing for.

Sinus infection.

My first ever. Yeah, how did I avoid that all these years? I had enough strep to last me a lifetime, but never a sinus infection. So now I'm drugged and after two days of being a zombie on my feet, breathing with my mouth open, I made it through the craziest day of my week and I'm still going strong. The dude has been laughing at my gasping and wheezing as I climb stairs and try to eat and breath through my mouth between chewing. Don't think he's heartless, I'm the one that points out the humor. He's been keeping me supplied with juice and chocolate. The marks of a good dude.

Winter is not good to my immune system, but at least we are going down in severity and length. Mono, check. Pneumonia, check. And this winter? Sinus infection. Give me antibiotics and decongestant and I'm good. You can't keep this girl down, Mr. Winter Germs! Take that! Ha!

Man, I need to go to bed.
(I will not be held responsible for what the bennadryl made me write.)

And still no word about the funding. Sorry, reader.

1 comment:

Marge Bjork said...

have I got a funny sinus infection thing for you to see.
and do like Ricky says and watch it on mute.

all my love,