Monday, August 4, 2008

Ref, Can we get a time out?

A strange set of events have been happening to me recently.

I tried to ride a tube the wrong way down a river that was too fast, and ended up clinging to green branches and sobbing a prayer of thanks for this life of mine that was spared. The cold of the river kept me from knowing about my most painful bruises until that night when I sat down. The bruises on my legs were so impressive I had to ask my mom if they were too disgusting to wear my long shorts. Luckily they covered my knees so she gave me the go ahead.

Shortly after that I found out I GOT MY DREAM JOB!!! I did a little (o.k. BIG) dance and had to restrain myself from WOO WHOOING out loud. Then reality hit. My dream job.... A Career.... Responsibility.... Big Time Responsibility.... WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?

Every day since then my to do list has been a million miles long.

Today, Patsy and I weeded and harvested the fruits of our garden. And then Fish and I had a great conversation. He also gave me some great ideas for what to have for lunch. Unfortunately, the lettuce had gone bad, so I had to regretfully turn from the delectable ideas Fish gave me. Instead I had to go with my own mediocer ideas and had a sad, sad little lunch.

Lunch marked the gateway to a long afternoon at the computer. So what do I do to take a break? Read and write blogs. Yup. I'm consistent.