Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ode to P.G. Wodehouse

Earlier this week I read an article entitled 'Scrapbook Wars' in the paper. I've heard rumblings of this very event for a while, but I am so uninformed I had to read about it in the paper. For those of you who want more specifics check out Jan. 28th's Life & Styles section of the Daily Herald. Now this is good clean fun. This article is almost as humorous to me as this year’s presidential race. When I start to feel like life has lost some of it’s savor and how am I ever going to make it through the day because my brain is total mush and I feel like I’m walking through quagmire, things like this remind me that fate is not against me, just sharing a good joke with me. Old John Wayne movies and P.G. Wodehouse stories do the same thing for me. And Saturday was Ground Hogs day! How amazing is that!!! (Yes, I did watch the movie. The dude and I actually went to three stores to find it. The last copy was ours! Hooray! How could I have ever hated that masterful example of fatalist comedy?)

Other things that made me Laugh (I mean really laugh) over the past few months:
Pat Robertson supporting Rudy Gulliani
Hearing that my boss was going to be joining a Wii bowling league.

That's not much, but it takes a lot for me to remember anything. That last one about bowling...Tears were streaming down my face.

On the flip side. Three times this week I found myself yelling, yes, yelling at the radio in the morning on my way to work. Why do people always seem stupider (more stupid?) in the morning. Once was at a "conservative" (what does that really mean anyway? It seems like the first requirement to being a conservative is to stick your head in the sand. At least that's what anyone listening to this guy would think) senator or some such dude that had written a book with some other guy about something (see it takes a lot for me to remember something). He kept representing statistics as undeniable facts. The thing is what he was listing as a statistic you could tell had been skewed just to fit his argument. So I started yelling. I actually had to change the channel on the radio. Switch over to my favorite morning shows and some one else was being stupid. Yelling again. I was shocked at myself. Normally I confine myself to yelling at drivers who almost kill me and mine, but here I was yelling at the radio. Next morning, it happened again. And this time, they were just reading the news. What threw me over this time? Microsoft making a bid for Yahoo. In my house M------oft is a bad word. We call them lots of names. Everything is their fault. But here begins my conflict ---- I can see the business sense behind it. My face is turning red and twisting with (rage?) even thinking about it. I may have to inflict a boycott of the dirty company's email/news site in our house, much to the torture of my poor dude.

The cause of all this yelling? I realized it on my way to work, after calling and yelling in the dude's ear about the evil company. I was getting a cold. Which I say is all Stevie Ballmer's fault.

To over come this bout of yelling, the dude and I went to our local library. Have I admitted it here yet? I am a bibliophile. I am obsessed with reading, making, acquiring, and writing in books. Any day becomes better if I can drown my sorrows getting lost in the stacks. While we were there we found what I remember as being one of my grandma's favorite movies (correct me if that's wrong, sweet mother mine). Support Your Local Sheriff. If this post weren't already disgustingly long I would go into a love poem about that movie. One of the true classics. And imagine my joy yesterday when I found out there was a Support Your Local Gunfighter, which the dude and I have been assured is also a classic. Our Family Home Evening activity this week? Ordering the DVD set with both of them in it.

We had a Ground Hog's Day party last night. But now I'm going to have to watch the movie again in the quiet of my own home, because our little group of friends and off shoots do not watch movies quietly. Who's complaining, though, because I'm one of the loudest, and now I own it, so watch it more I will.

Enough, already, Collector! Stop spewing words onto this poor post!

1 comment:

Marge Bjork said...

dear collector,
HA! I thought you meant WEE bowling league. As in we're scottish with our wee little bowling league. But wii's are wee I guess....